Legal Procurement Conference APAC 2019 In Review

Legal Procurement Conference
Legal Procurement Conference

With over 90 attendees, including in-house legal and procurement professionals from ASX 20 and 90 organisations, state and federal government agencies and representatives from leading law firms, this year’s Legal Procurement Conference APAC was a resounding success.

Held at KPMG’s beautiful Sydney offices on 30 July, highlights included:

  • Keynote speaker Richard Burcher take on It Isn’t Just About The Numbers
  • Real world discussions about innovation in the Buying of Legal Services (special thanks to Anna Golovksy from IAG, Neil Cook from Woolworths, Petra Sterling from Westpac and the moderator: Jamie Levy from KPMG Law)
  • Unique presentation from Tim Corcoran focusing on introducing business disciplines into the legal department
  • Shining the light on artificial intelligence and its application to the legal function with differing views from Professor Dan Hunter (Swinburne Law School) and Neil Sahota (United Nations)
  • Design workshop on removing bias from decision-making, facilitated by Lawcadia CEO Warwick Walsh and CMO Sacha Kirk

Along with comments like ‘Who knew legal procurement could be so exciting?!’, we’ve been thrilled with the feedback received so far. Besides the breadth of topics, attendees were impressed with the open nature of the event and left with some fantastic insights into the changing nature of legal procurement.

“We really enjoyed the day and  there was a lot of learnings for us to apply” 

“Another impressive event!”

 “It was a very good event for learning and meeting people, many of whom I had only known through LinkedIn or Twitter”

“It was well run and very informative”

We’d like to extend our thanks to this year’s attendees for your enthusiasm for this annual event and express our gratitude to our fantastic speakers and panel and workshop facilitators. Without your continued participation we would not have experienced such steady growth year on year.

